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Knowledge sharing

                                                         is an activity through which knowledge (namely, information, skills, or expertise) is exchanged among people, friends, families, communities (for example, Wikipedia), or organizations. ... Knowledge sharing activities are generally supported by knowledge management systems.

This Knowledge Sharing Point offers a broad range of information on youth related initiatives, projects, opportunities, websites, publications, and much more produced by and for young people. Furthermore it highlights activities undertaken by various civil society organizations, including youth organizations over the world  and other parts of the country.

Welcome  People,
             You are at the point where you can end off your thirst of knowing each & everything in  the  world. Here  you  can  ask  everything  which  is  swimming  into  your  minds from  a  long  time  &  want  to  share with  the  people.
  Here  you  can  also  give  updates  from  each  &  every  corner  of  the  world  &  can  give  answers  of  questions , asked  by  your colleagues.
After all these  we  will  also do here some social  welfare works such  as  --->>>
 1) To  collect  &  donate  blood  to  needy  persons (initially   in  Hungary).
 2) Here we can exchange our unusefull things with  others , which  may  be  needfull for others as  well as
   for  us.(Such as  books,  mobile  etc.)
 3) We  can  express   our  views  on  current  affairs &  various social  issues.
 4)Here anybody  can share  its  talent.
 5)If  anybody  has  any  new  idea  please  share  here.
 6)If  You  can  provide  me  the  list  of   Blood groups of  those  people  who  can   donate 
blood  to  needy   persons  willingly,  please provide.       "info.iyportal@gmail.com "
  Thanks People!!
    I  will  be  looking  for  your  further  support.
                                     With  Regards!!!
                                      Knowledge Sharing Point
Sharing is Caring!
Knowledge is Light

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