Digital Competition in Europe
Participate in our Digital Competition! #DEEPEU
Share your views on studying, working or volunteering abroad and win a trip to Brussels! Send us a video, infographic, picture or other type of digital creation on the topic of youth mobility in Europe.
To participate to the Digital Competition:
- Create digital content (eg. video, infographic, etc.) related to youth mobility and the Erasmus+ programme;
- Upload your content online through your own social media, youtube channel, etc.;
- Inform us that you wish to enter the Competition by completing the following form HERE.
Your entry to the Digital Competition is confirmed only after you receive an email from us with a personalised hashtag you will need to use for distributing your content online.
- The submitted content must meet the content design eligibility criteria;
- The entrants must be from age 18 to 35 and from a European country;
- The digital content can be submitted in English, Croatian or Hungarian from 28 October 2016 to 28 February 2017;
- Material must be on the topic of EU youth mobility (e.g. learning mobility, Erasmus, EVS, work/study/volunteering abroad);
- In the event of any dispute regarding the Rules, conduct, results and all other matters relating to the competition, the decision of the judge(s) shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into;
- Employees of ECAS or any partner associated with the project and their immediate families, persons connected with the competition/prize draw and their immediate families i.e. prize sponsors, distributors are not eligible to enter the Competition;
- ECAS reserves the right to disqualify any entrant if it has reasonable grounds to believe the entrant has breached any of the Rules;
- Prize winners must be available to travel to Brussels in September/October 2017 and be in the presence of a valid EU passport/identity card;
- Any personal data (except for names) relating to entrants will not be disclosed to a third party without the individual’s consent.
The aim of the competition is to generate appealing digital content on the subject of youth mobility (e.g. studying, working or volunteering aboard). This might be a video, graphic or any other form of digital content which can be distributed over social media. (For example: a funny video on the problems in Erasmus, an informative video about youth volunteering in EU countries, a provocative picture on youth mobility, etc)
For all content:
- You cannot advertise a product or a service. If a branded product is showed in the video, the brand must be blurred;
- You should not use music or other content protected by copyright if you don’t have the rights to do so. You can find free music and sounds for your video in many places (ex. here);
- Content must be tasteful (e.g. not illegal,offensive, defamatory or target named individuals);
- Content must be your own work.
- Video Content: Format preferred AVI,MPG,WMV, suggested maximum length 2 minutes;
- Picture or infographic: Format preferred JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF;
- Other types of material: GIF, audio files.
Six pieces of digital content will be awarded the top prize, after the assessment of the jury.
The top prize is an all-expenses paid trip to Brussels (travel, accommodation and subsidiency costs for 2 days; reimbursement up to 900 euros max.) The winners will have the opportunity to meet with Members of the European Parliament and present their work at the Digital Democracy Day 2017 (October 2017 tbc).
Note: If the digital content was created in a group, then only one representative will have his/her travel paid to Brussels.
Apart from the top 6 winners, additional prizes will be awarded for very good digital contents in the form of places for the Citizen Participation University 2017, which will take place in Kunbábony (Hungary) in summer 2017. The prizes include EU travel, accommodation and meals. More details to come.
The jury is composed by the DEEP-linking Youth project partners who will assess each entry to verify that it meets the competition rules and decide on the prize winners.
Entries will be based on the following criteria:
- Content relevance (ex. related to learning mobility, policy-solving orientation and solution oriented – addressing decision-makers);
- Production quality (ex. originality of the content in terms of its narrative, use of media, appearances etc.);
- Outreach (ex. shares, number of views/clicks/likes/etc. and reactions to content on social media).
The jury reserves the right to reject inappropriate content containing hate speech (which includes content that directly attacks people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases), violence, etc.
The jury will be applying its Code of Conduct while monitoring and assessing the entries in to the Digital Competition.
For more information contact:
IYPORTAL, we’re dedicated to helping young people succeed. We open doors for youth with a holistic approach that emphasizes life skills in combination with a mix of technical, vocational, and entrepreneurship training. As a result, young people are prepared to enter the workforce, create their own opportunities, and be agents of change in their communities.
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