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University Scholars Leadership Symposium


The University Scholars Leadership Symposium is a week-long leadership development training program. The Symposium will bring together 1,000 of the world’s most promising leaders to one stimulating platform in the heart of Asia. The Program has been designed for young persons who are committed to making this world a much better place for the human race. 

Applicants will undergo a systematic screening process. Essentially, we are looking for those individuals who demonstrate strong leadership potential, those who have a genuine appreciation for different perspectives, and for individuals with diverse interests, backgrounds and ambitions. 

Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom recognises the importance of nurturing creative thinkers and in grooming aspiring leaders. Our goal is for every delegate to experience activities that contribute to their holistic development and empower them to become an excellent global citizen. 

As leaders and managers in different fields- whether business, government, education, and non-profit organizations, there is a need to develop one’s ability to motivate and influence those in future working environments. At Humanitarian Affairs, we believe that effective leadership begins with a deep personal understanding. Our leadership training will explore the unique strengths you bring to your leadership role, and enhance your skills in working with others. 

You will grow as an individual and as a leader, able to maximise your potential and performance, irrespective of your field.


Global Networking

The USLS is a truly humbling experience; the various testimonials of participants attest to this fact. The symposium will provide you with the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals from across diverse cultures and backgrounds, and build on your professional network. Being surrounded by more than 1,000 like-minded individuals from across the world gathered to discuss important global humanitarian issues is an opportunity you will not want to miss. The symposium serves as a platform for participants to share their ideas freely and views as well as expanding their intellectual and cultural horizons through a diverse range of activities, insightful life lessons, and vibrant exchanges. For future leaders, the one-week learning experience is a platform for personal development and attaining practical life skills. 

At the USLS you will learn to enhance your self-perception and build upon your leadership presence. We promote self-awareness and problem solving skills in young leaders. By attending the USLS, we will help improve your personal efficiency, communication skills and emotional intelligence so that you can develop upon your personal as well as professional self. Many young scholars have come to the symposium unconfident and not knowing what expect and have left it as a force to reckon after being turned into formidable humanitarians by the weeklong experience. 

Workshop Sessions

Our workshops are specially designed for those delegates who are eager to play a part in outreach programs to serve the communities in need. As a delegate, you will have the opportunity to either initiate a sustainable development project or lead a group of volunteers on a humanitarian mission or you may want to assist in the various groundbreaking initiatives formulated by other delegates. The participation in such groundbreaking developmental initiatives will provide you with an avenue to enhance your leadership abilities on the ground zero; the experience will leave you inspired and buzzing for change. 

Sharpen Your Understanding

The USLS has some of the world-renowned life coaches and motivational speakers that believe that all the young scholars have the wisdom and power within them to instil change - a majority of our speakers have gained international acclaim and recognition for their humanitarian work. To broaden the vision of young people, Humanitarian Affairs provides its delegates with the privileged opportunity to learn from these inspiring humanitarian speakers and life skills coaches through talks and interaction. These speakers give informative and motivational talks that challenge young leaders to do some soul searching and discover their passions, skills, and goals for the future. You will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to conduct a one-on-one dialogue with our renowned humanitarian speakers during the weeklong symposium. These dialogues are a mine gold for young people that are trying to make a positive impact on the world; their inspirational stories of endurance in the face of adversity and lost hope demonstrate the extraordinary strength of the human spirit. 

Beyond Service

Participants have the opportunity to put what they have learned into practice and dive "into the trenches" of sustainable development through a variety of humanitarian service projects. The symposium is all about changing the lives of communities in need; consequently, the learning journey program at the symposium gives participants an opportunity to interact with and have a firsthand experience of the lives of the disadvantaged in the community. During the learning journey, participants are exposed to the harsh realities that countless people face due to poverty, age, refugee status and so forth. Participants try changing these people’s lives by repairing old people’s homes, conducting cleaning exercises, providing clothes, and so forth. This experience allows you to walk in other people’s shoes and understand the world from a different perspective. 

Knowledge Whiz

Are you keen to start a humanitarian initiative and doesn’t know how to begin? If you’re seriously considering to develop a project to benefit a community in need, then you are invited to book an appointment with us and to meet one of our humanitarian specialists on an inspiring and thought provoking one on one session. You will acquire new skills and gain new knowledge that will help to build your confidence consequently propelling you to fulfil your dreams. If you want to be among the next generation leaders, and you have a humanitarian heart and spirit that pushes you to do something about the pain, suffering, hardship, and poverty in this world, then make a free consultation with us now.
why you should attend

If you want to be among the next generation leaders, have contemporary leadership skills that will make you stand out, and you have a humanitarian heart and spirit that pushes you to do something about the pain, suffering, hardship, and poverty in this world, the next USLS should be your next stop. This intensive weeklong leadership in social change program focuses on the perfection of your leadership abilities as you initiate and volunteer in creating change. When you are a young person trying to make a positive impact in the world, you feel small and insignificant in trying to achieve this. You feel like a drop of water in a very vast ocean - what difference could you possibly make? Our program will make you realize that you are not alone in this endeavour to make the world a better place - it will expose you to hundreds of passionate and like-minded young people that share in your vision and working towards the same humanitarian goal. The USLS will enable you to discover how to reach your maximum potential through well-packaged leadership lectures by renowned life coaches, humanitarian workers, group sessions, activities in the local community, and so forth. 

We at Humanitarian Affairs provide an international, multicultural platform where young people are equipped with first hand practical leadership experience that can propel them to see the world from a completely new perspective and trigger the humanitarian spirit in them.


IYPORTAL, we’re dedicated to helping young people succeed. We open doors for youth with a holistic approach that emphasizes life skills in combination with a mix of technical, vocational, and entrepreneurship training. As a result, young people are prepared to enter the workforce, create their own opportunities, and be agents of change in their communities.

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