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Conducting a research through public survey

This involves systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships, by asking a narrow question and collecting numerical data to analyze it utilizing statistical methods. The quantitative research designs are experimental, correlational, and survey (or descriptive).

My name is ................., a student of................... University conducting a research on the topic: Effects of communication on tourism promotion. The following questions require information on your knowledge on the topic and its related activities. The research is purely for academic purposes so anonymity and confidentiality is assured. Honest, clear and short answers will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Personal data
[  ] Male                     
[  ] Female
Age: [  ] 18-22 [  ] 23-27 [  ] 28-32 [  ] 33-37 [  ] 38-42 [  ] Above 42
1.      Do you know what tourism is?
[  ] Yes
[  ] No
2.      Do you go on tourist’s visits and sight-seeing?
[  ] Yes
[  ] No
b. If yes, what draws your attention to a tourist attraction?

3.      How often do you go on tourist visits?
[  ] Regularly
[  ] Occasionally
[  ] Hardly
[  ] Never

4.      Which tourist attractions have you heard of in Hungary?
b. Which of the above mentioned have you visited?

5.      By which means did you get information related to/in regards to a tourist attraction
6.      Does communication promote tourism?
[  ] Yes
[  ] No

7.      Which mode of communication attracted or influenced you to go on a tourist visit?
[  ] The media (Broadcasting, Publishing, Internet)
[  ] Friends/Family
[  ] Others, please specify…………….
8.      What means of communication was the most effective way of attracting you to a tourist attraction?
[  ] Word of mouth
[  ] Television/ Radio
[  ] Billboards, posters, flyers, newspapers and magazines
[  ] Others, please specify ___________________________________________
9.      How would you rate the awareness of tourists attractions due to communication?
[  ] Excellent
[  ] Very Good
[  ] Good
[  ] Fair
[  ] Not encouraging

10.  Briefly suggest 2 ways by which communication can be used to attract the interest of tourists or promote tourism.

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