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Competition Organized by Erasmus student network of Pecs in Hungary

This semester Pakistani fellows living in Pecs, Hungary participated in country presentation competition organized by Erasmus student network of Pecs and by the Grace of God we won it.
So, what was this event about let me explain it breifly
Every semester students comes from different parts of the world through Erasmus Scholarship. They represent their country by showing a short presentation in which they show their cultural food, dress, dance, literature etc. In the end of semester, they choose the country with best presentation as a winner.

This year for the first time we also participated along with other European nations and Erasmus students. We presented in best possible way and showed them true colors of Pakistan. We showed them our cultural food, music, Art, dance, literature etc. and as our presentation was best of all so we won the country presentation. This was the first time that non- European country won the presentation.
Pakistan Zindabaad
if u wanna see the full presentation video find it here

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