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Emmanuel Macron is projected to be the new president

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron is a French politician, senior civil servant, former investment banker, and President-elect of France. Ideologically, he has been characterised as a centrist and a liberal.
He became the youngest president of France in history.


Emmanuel Macron is projected to be the new president

Centrist candidate beats out far-right rival Marine Le Pen, just one year after establishing En Marche! movement.

Emmanuel Macron was elected president of France on Sunday with a business-friendly vision of European integration, resoundingly defeating Marine Le Pen, the far-right nationalist who threatened to pull out of the European Union.

The centrist's emphatic victory, which also smashed the dominance of France’s mainstream parties, will bring huge relief to European allies who feared another populist upheaval to follow Britain's vote to quit the EU and Donald Trump's election as US president.

Macron - the 39-year-old former investment banker, who served for two years as economy minister but has never previously held elected office - will now become France's youngest leader since Napoleon with a promise to transcend outdated left-right divisions.

Political newcomer Emmanuel Macron has comfortably won the French election with 65% of the votes.

The president-elect struck a solemn tone in his victory speech, acknowledging the need to "heal divisions" within France.

France's new president says he will "work to rebuild the link between Europe and its people

Rival Marine Le Pen took 35% of the vote share in Sunday’s run off, a record performance for the anti-EU, anti-immigration National Front

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