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Intern (m/f) in Financial Systems Development and Insurance

Field of activity

Climate change has a negative impact on human habitat and nature. In this context the need for integrated management strategies for the prevention and mitigation of climate risks in order to reduce the financial consequences of extreme weather events increases.
The lack of adequate risk transfer mechanisms is a major reason for societies not being able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and maintain achieved Millennium Development Goals. Climate change induced catastrophes, or even increased weather variability can undo progress reached in poverty reduction, threaten food security and often require liquidating investments; they reduce employment, force migration of wage earners as well as disenrollment of school going children. Large-scale events such as severe droughts or floods can affect entire societies, thereby posing an extra-budgetary strain, quasi-fiscal liabilities and reduced macro-economic performance, in addition to the social impacts. Therefore, better and widely accessible indirect and direct insurance and risk transfer products on that respond to the needs and capacities of developing country populace as well as governments are key for stable economic development and poverty reduction.

Your tasks

  • You assist in preparing and carrying out analyses and projects.
  • You prepare presentation materials and concept papers on various topics.
  • You support your team at the substantive and logistical preparation of events and workshops.
  • You do research on various topics in the area of climate risk management.
  • You support the team in knowledge management and information exchange.
  • You assist in the general day to day business and take on administrative tasks.

Your profile

  • You have just completed your Bachelor's or Master's degree in Economics or Disaster Risk Management or related fields or are nearing completion of your Master's program.
  • You can demonstrate some experience in financial sector development, especially insurance from internships or university works
  • You have gained experience through internships or exchange semesters in developing countries.
  • You have a very good command of spoken and written English
  • You have good knowledge of the standard Microsoft Office applications.
  • You have above-average organizational skills, structured thinking, efficient and self-organized and can be quickly and dive comprehensively into new topics.
  • Mutual interest and availability given, the internship can be extended to six months.

Assignment period

03.07.2017 - 06.10.2017

Our offer

Other information

If we caught your interest, we are looking forward to your application until 31.05.2017.


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