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How to show Adsense Ads using an iframe -- Adsense in IFRAME

How to  use an  iframe  for Adsense

I don't think I explained very well how money is actually made. The YouTube process is only for YouTube users who have AdSense ads on their YouTube videos and are already
making money with their YouTube videos. (Ironically, I am not
currently making money with my YouTube videos, so I can't make money this way right now.)
It's basically claiming a permanent spot on a Facebook page that is normal an ad space.

Google AdSense Ads No Longer Allowed In IFRAME

Google AdSense updated their program policies to specifically mention you cannot place AdSense ads within IFRAMES.

AdSense code may not be altered, nor may the standard behavior, targeting or delivery of ads be manipulated in any way that is not explicitly permitted by Google. This includes but is not limited to the following: clicking Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched, nor may Google ads be placed in an IFRAME.

Google AdSense Ads Still Allowing In IFRAME

DFP, (Double Click for Publishers) owned by Google is a Ad Server that lets publishers display ads from any ad network. A unique feature offered is the ability to enter the price you are getting from any 3rd party ad network and then let Google Adsense compete against that price, ads from Google Adsense will be displayed if when they can beat the price.
here reference 
DFP tags are by default JavaScript, however Iframe tags are available by request.
So Google is still allowing adsense to be served through iframes. In fact DFP is opened to any web publisher and can be used for serving only adsense so if a publisher wants to serve Adsense with Iframe's just sign up for DFP and request Iframe tags.
Seems like another example of one paw of Google not knowing what the other paw is doing. Similar to the Google Search Team with their Panda update penalizing sites for Adsense placements which were placed at the recommendation of Google Adsense advisers.

Depending on how you use iframes, it may be okay. But you have to be careful. Just think about what Google wants. Above all, the ads displayed in the iframe should match the OVERALL content of your site. You shouldn't have a lot of content in another iframe that is irrelevant to the ads being displayed. The advertisers won't like that, and neither will Google.

Secondly, iframes can cause problems for search engine spiders. If you use iframes, make sure your site is search-engine friendly. Google won't like it if your site is not friendly to their spiders. Use a Lynx viewer (text-based viewer) to ensure that you know what the spiders see when they visit your site. With iframes, it won't generally be the same as what your visitors see, and you should take steps to ensure that it is the same.

Read Google's webmaster guidelines. They have detailed instructions there on the proper use of iframes. It is not recommended, unless you know what you're doing, but it's not banned either. I use iframes to serve my ads, as an alternative to AJAX-based methods, but I had to think hard about the above. 

 Websites using their Adsense in iframes

how to add adsense in iframe

Here's an example:

<title>Knowledge Sharing Point</title>
<div style="height:200px;">
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
google_ad_slot = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
google_ad_width = 200;
google_ad_height = 200;
<script type="text/javascript"
Which is loaded into an iframe:
<iframe src="adsenseexample.html"> </iframe>
<iframe id="adsenseFrame1" src="" height="1" width="145" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Is it legal to have adsense ads in iframe ?

DoubleClick Rich Media iframe solution

Web browsers place restrictions on interactions between pages that reside on different domains. This is a security feature designed to prevent pages on one domain from reading data on another. The browser sees the content inside an iframe (the ad) as residing in a different domain from the surrounding page content.
When a website uses iframe ad tags, an iframe is created around the ad. For example, if www.mysite.com has an iframe ad tag that displays an ad from ad.doubleclick.net, the ad is restricted from accessing anything outside the enclosing iframe. This restriction prevents interstitial and expanding creatives from being served through iframe ad tags. However, there are cases, as with ads served by third parties, where publishers want to allow communication from the iframe environment to domains that they trust.

Using the iframe solution

To enable iframe access for DoubleClick Rich Media ads, a publisher must put a special file on their domain that acts as a bridge between the ad server domain and the publisher domain.
The Rich Media iframe solution doesn't work with nested iframe tags. If you try to serve a DoubleClick iframe tag into your site's iframe using the methods described in this article, you will experience errors.
  1. Download the iframe solution file (DARTiframe.html).
  2. Add the DARTIframe.html file to a /doubleclick folder at the root directory of the web service on your web servers. For example, if your website is www.example.com, put the DARTIframe.html file into www.example.com/doubleclick.
  3. Place the iframe solution file on all domains and subdomains where the ad will serve.
This solution only works for ads served using DoubleClick Rich Media.

Making Money On Facebook With Google AdSense

How to get ads from google adsense to Facebook Page and Earn Money

Today I want to show you how to add ads to 
Facebook page:
Step 1 Go to your page and write : Status : HTML iframetabStep2 : Click add static HTML to a page.Step3 : Click page what you want to add forStep 4: Set up tabstep 5 find video in youtube or your video to publish.step 6: go to your ads code in google adsense to put inyour video.step 7: click publish and savestep 8 view in your facebook .
now you can see your ads in your facebook pages right now .!you can edit your post in edit tab.

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