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Open Call for Application: 3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS3), 15-19 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Open Call for Application: 3rd ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS3), 15-19 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium

Deadline: Sunday, 20 May 2018, GMT 23.59


ASEFYLS3 is fully funded - accommodation, meals and travel subsidies will be provided for the selected participants. No registration fee applies.

The 3rd ASEF Young Leaders (#ASEFYLS3) is for those who strive to not only lead, but lead responsibly. The 4-day conference analyses leadership development through a tri-folded lens: self-leadership, team leadership and societal leadership.

Eligibility criteria:

Citizen of any of the 51 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Partner countries
Students, entrepreneurs, academics and professionals - all between the ages of 18 and 30
Strong command of English (verbal and written)


When? 15 - 19 October 2018
Where? Brussels, Belgium

No registration or participation fee
The organisers will cover accommodation and meals for the duration of the conference, plus a travel subsidy from your country of residence to the starting point and back.

ASEFYLS3 is a purposeful youth conference that offers:
  1. A boutique platform for young thinkers and doers to learn from top-tier business representatives, academics and civil society members through resourceful dialogue-sessions, thought-&-skills workshops and spin-off project working groups.
  2. A 360°approach to explore ethical leadership from 11 thematic angles: Culture, Economy, Education, Environment, Family, Finance, Media, Politics, Religion and Spirituality, Science and Technology and Sports.
  3. A networking platform which connects participants with high-level political leaders on the side-line of the 12th ASEM Summit (ASEM12) in Brussels.
  4. Steer and support participants to walk-the-talk and execute spin-off activities on ethical leadership across communities in Asia and Europe.
  5. A rare melting pot of diverse young professionals and students from 51 Asian and European countries.

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