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No One By That Name With Company

No One By That Name With Company


GreatAuPair Support


Dear .......,

We do not have anyone by that name working for GreatAuPair.

Why did you send this person money? Did they say they worked for our company? Where did you meet this person?

Are you a hiring family or a job seeker?

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.

Kind Regards,

Customer Support Representative
Office 800-935-6303  ::  775-636-8302
Email support@greataupair.com
Skype greataupair.com

Dear ........,

This is not an email from GreatAuPair, nor is that phone number associated with our company. What is the email address that sent you this email?

The person that sent you this is running a scam. They have taken the legitimate name of one of our company with the intent to cheat you.  Where did you find the family who sent you to this scammer? 

You’re not using Facebook are you, to find a host family?  Facebook is the most dangerous, unregulated location on the internet, and you will never find a legitimate host family on Facebook.

All the GreatAuPair email addresses end with @greataupair.com, so legitimate emails would be support@greataupair.com, etc.

We recommend that you block the email account of any family you met on Facebook and that you also block this scammers email address.

You can block any email address in your email account.

If you’re serious about working in the US, you’ll need to sign into your GreatAuPair account and complete the J1 visa application.  If you’re serious about working in the United States, you can only come here legally, through an authorized J1 agency.

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Best Regards,

Customer Support Representative
Office 800-935-6303

Dear ......,

This is most definitely a scammer. 

We want to point out one of the ways these scammers try to trick you. 

See how the end of the email says @greataupairsonline.com?

All GreatAuPair email addresses end with @greataupair.com.

We strongly recommend that you block this scammer’s email address from your email account and stop all communications.

Where did you find this family?  We caution you not to use Facebook or any other social media site to try and find a host family.  These sites do no screening or review of the people signing up, so you are risking being scammed when communicating with anyone you meet on Facebook.

GreatAuPair uses a private, internal messaging system, to protect your privacy and protect against internet scammers, so no family can ever see your email address or contact you at your personal email account.

However, if you bypass this protective internal message system, by sending a personal email outside of the messages area, then the scammer has your email address, and will create multiple alias names and email accounts (like the one above) and contact you over and over using these "alias names".

We don't recommend that you ever write a family outside the internal message system; even when they give you a personal email address.  Once you send an email to their personal email, you would need to check back on the site by searching for their profile, to know if the family you are communicating with has been blocked.  We have no way of protecting you from internet scammers, if you are sending emails outside the internal message system.

We are doing everything we can to prevent scammer activity. The majority of these scammers are identified within hours (sometimes minutes) of signing up and are immediately blocked from the site. Our developers have implemented a number of automated systems to find, identify and remove scammers from the site.  When we learn of scammers using our website, we block their IP addresses, accounts, email addresses and credit cards. We have a 30-point anti-fraud system that is designed to identify and remove potential scammers automatically.

There are a minimum of two individuals on a daily basis reviewing every profile for potential scammer traits to protect you and the rest of our members. We do our best, but sometimes the scammers do get through our screening processes. 

We feel one of the best defenses against scammers is education which is why we proactively send out personal email messages informing our members, like you, about scammers; what to look out for and how to protect yourself against them. We also post warnings on GreatAupair.com about the scammers and their scams as a way to inform and protect our members.

Warm Regards,

Customer Support Representative
Office 800-935-6303  ::  775-636-8302

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