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Scammers Try to Trick You

Beware of new Email/Facebook scams trying to trick 

you - Story

  1. How to Protect Yourself against Scam!
  2. How To Recognize Fake Host Family
  3. Scam / fraud Au Pair host family 
  4. Au Pair Scams, what to look out for, how to avoid the Au Pair scammer
  5. Protect Yourself From Au Pair Fraud

                                             True Story


Mrs Wanda Hamilton

Thank you for your honest response, I must confess that i am 100% satisfied and confidence that you are the right person and also up to the task, I hope I am not wrong  you can tell when exactly you will be available and we will work on that if that okay with you .Here are the duties i would like you to perform during your stay here. We expect you to perform duties such as Getting the kids James (4Years Old) and John (5 Years Old) and  ready for school,Cooking simple meals,Taking care of there room,and also accompanying them to parks to ride  bike.

You really don’t have much to do apart from just keeping an eye on them and also weekends and public Holidays are free,extra hours will be requested only when I need and we can discuss in advance.We live in a 3 bedroom Apartment In a Lovely and secure building. You will have your own room with private bathroom and entrance and you will have access to everything in the house and we have free wifi so you just have to bring your own laptop and if you dont have one you will have access to the PC in the study room. You will know more about our lifestyle and personalities in the next email.

Let me hear what you feel about these duties so we can move forward and tell you more about other things including your salary.I also need to know if you are on any medication and do you smoke? Do have a lovely day ahead


Thanks for your message . You dont have any problem with the visa and other related document i will be responsible for your visa and working permit. I work as a Researcher for the government and it now requested longer hours and i need to travel around that’s why i needed an au-pair and and this will be my second time as I have had an au-pair before . But now My sister use to help me look after her but she got a job in New York so that why i need a nanny and I am scared of hiring local nannies because things are happening recently here in USA people acting weird so i was advised to get a foreign nanny because they are very humble, honest and trustworthy and I must say that I am very glad to read back from you.

You seems like a very hard working person and i hope i wont regret it if i decide to take you as my nanny.If you would like to visit our county website for you to know more about where you are coming to live with us at http://www.atlantaga.gov that’s our city here in Atlanta. Can you also please tell me have you ever been in the USA before or its your first time? Are you willing to accept and treat my kids like yours? How long are you willing to work for me for if i decide to take you? Is their any other things i need to know about you?

I hope to read from you later and we establish a good communication relationship together..  Once I get a response and i feel satisfied then i will proceed with more details about the Job



  Thanks for your prompt reply to my e-mail.. I just need to know your health status maybe if you need special care that’s why i asked , Less i forget about the cost for you to come here I am wiling to pay  for your ticket fee  and also your visa and working permit  and i will be paying you a sum of 350$ per week which sums up to a total amount of 1400$ per month. I also want you to understand that i paid all this fees for my Last Au pair expect her MEDIcare fees which she paid all by her self she was a kind lady and hardworking but due to the death of her mother back in her country that why she left us and traveled back to her home country .

Let me tell you more about the MEDIcare fees it is very important to pay for this fees because without the verification of this Medicare fees the exchange visitor will not be approved to enter in to the United States Of America and the good news here is the money you are paying for the medicare is refundable once you get to the United states. My Last Au Pair past through the same process and everything was fine and save with the help of the GREAT AU PAIR they will be assisting us in this process also in-order to make things easier and faster. I have contacted them and opened a profile and i would like you can visit their website on www.greataupair.com and let me know if you good with that so i can forward your e-mail to them as a good match for our family. Also provide me with your full name , address and phone number, valid e-mail address

Mrs  Wanda 

Mrs Wanda Hamilton


  Thanks for your message. I expect you to start he job as soon as possible after your exams. Kindly provide me with your your full name , address and phone number, valid e-mail address so i can forward it over to the Great Au Pair for proper background checkup  and match approval. Waiting to hear back from you soon


  Thanks for your message . I will send the information over to the Great Au Pair for proper background checkup and match approval .
Hello Dear,

  Am happy to inform you that the Great Au Pair just notified me about the match approval and they have e-mail you with a notification just make sure you provide them with all necessary document for the preparation of your Visa and Working permit. I wait to hear back from you if you have received any e-mail from them.

Okay no problem let me know if you receive any notification from you the Great Au Pair 

I just received a notification from the Great Au pair about the total cost of your Visa and working permit fees which will cost me a total of 2,300$ . I want to notify you about this to know if you received any e-mail from them regarding your MEDIcare fees which is the only payment you are required to pay and it refundable upon arrival to the USA you can just proceed with the payment of your 3 month Medicare and get back to me as soon as you have made the payment .
  Also i want to know if you want me to go ahead and make the payment for your Visa and working permit as started by the Great Au PAIR and also you get back to me with the nearest airport close to you and the date you want me to book on your flight down to the USA. I wait to hear back from you as soon as possible.

Okay.. I will find another nanny but i already told you that you will be requested to make payment for medicare you would have informed me you cant instead of wasting my time

An sorry the great aupair needs to confirm payment from you and without this your visa won't be approved and you won't be able to work here. Just let me know how much you can afford at the moment and I will be responsible for the rest of the payment if you serious about working here .

waiting to hear back from you as soon as possible 

the great aupair won't allow me to pay all this fees please let me know if you are ready for this job. Let me know how much you can afford and I will add up the rest.

Am waiting for your reply unless the great Au Pair will place a cancellation on the document .


Am sorry i cant work protocols.. I work with the CIA and this like that are not allowed here if you know you don't believe me  we can just stop the conversation now because i wont want to loose my money for your visa and later you never come again 
So are you ready to make the payment
I don't understand pay for what and return what back . I already explained this to you I can help you with the rest of the fees if you are ready 


 How you doing today .. I received a notification from the Great Au Pair informing me that the shipment have been hold and there are charges required to be paid. Let me know what going to happen before the return the document back to USA. I wait to hear back from you soon

Am also worried about this and this is what they sent me when i asked them ?

They don't know what is in the parcel as it is sealed. It's just part of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the money is to be paid for the release of the parcel and delivery to your home address. Delays in payment of these charges may warrant them to ask us to send back to the United States.

Matilda Babara
For Zane express

Kindly let me know what you think we can do ?

Go ahead and pay the 130$ requested 
yes am here .. are you not interested getting your document anymore ? Go ahead and make the requested payment

They won't allow me .. if you can pay this i will make the refund when you get here .. You understand dont delays this document

Sorry it doesnt work like that 

Kindly let me know when you making the payment today so i can go ahead and make the rest payment am waiting to hear back from you 

have you send the information over to the great aupair for confirmation 


  What date do you want me to book on your flight and also what is the name of the nearest Airport


 I will like to inform you that the document have been posted and the great au pair have notified me with the shipping information you can track the shipment of your document on www.zaneexpress.com with this tracking number ................... Kindly let me know as soon as you have received the documents 

Go ahead and make the payment for your Medicare

Yes I already told you that I will be paying for the rest just go ahead and make the payment and I will pay the rest on your behalf before the great Au Pair cancels the document . I wait to hear back from you soon 
did you still have the email from the great aupair which includes how to make the payment?? Let me know if you do and if you don't i can forward it over to your email so you go ahead and make the payment 

Hello Dear

  Thanks for your message . But you already told me you will be spending 3 month here with us which means you are requested to pay for 3 month and you can only afford 130$  that why i said you should go on with the payment and i will pay for the rest fees for the 3 month you will be spending here. Hope you understand 

Okay kindly let me know as soon as you have make the payment on monday so i can go ahead to pay for your visa and the rest medicare fees

Hello dear

  How you doing today . i just received a notification from the Great Au Pair informing us that there Western Union agent Mrs Kelly Haner which was provided is not available again.  And they provide us with another information on where we will be sending the fees too did you receive the email about the new information?? Kindly let me know to avoid any delays the former agent is currently on vacation and she wont be available to pickup the money for processing and to avoid delays that why the provided us another available agent . Hope you understand and let me know once you receive the email.


Mrs Wanda



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