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Culture ShoX Youth Camp: Open Call for Applications!

Culture ShoX Youth Camp: Open Call for Applications!

Cyprus based non-govermental organisation TheatrEtc is implementing a summer youth camp in the Troodos mountains from the 28th July until the 6th August 2017. We are looking for young people between 18 to 25 years old to participate! Application forms are available through the link at the bottom of this call. But first, here’s a bit more information about this youth camp and its context.
What is Culture ShoX!?
Culture Shox! is the name of a project co-designed and implemented by two organisations, Cyprus based TheatrEtc and Danish organisation DSI Swinging Europe, under the E.U. founded ERASMUS+ KA1 Youth Mobility and Learning Program. The project evolves around the development of activities in Cyprus and Denmark that allow the contact between individuals from a variety of backgrounds in an effort to learn from one another, confront stereotypes and misinterpretations of their realities and build bridges of communication, understanding and acceptance.  In the context of this project, the camp in the Troodos mountains is the first activity organised towards those goals, in an effort to build a connection between people arriving in Cyprus seeking a better life having fled their home countries and people who are based in their home countries through creative and artistic means and especially through theatre.
The camp will host a group of 28 young people that will consist of 14 individuals from Cyprus and Denmark and 14 individuals who have been displaced from their countries and are based in Cyprus seeking safety and asylum.
At camp, participants will be spending together 10 days exploring and expressing themselves creatively through various workshops and activities such as applied theatre workshops, music and dance workshops, mask making sessions, nature walks and others. All activities and workshops will run by skilled professionals either from the main facilitators’ team or by visiting artists and facilitators. Through the workshops and activities we will be looking at personal and collective stories and memories as well as ways we can visualise a common path as human beings. The camp will be concluded on the 10th day with a final piece of artistic work that the participants will choose to showcase to a wider audience.
Who can apply?
- Aged 18 to 25 years old.
- Interested or/and active in the arts (music, dance, theatre).
- Interested in getting to know individuals from other cultural backgrounds.
- Good knowledge of English.
- Available to take part in the entire camp (10 days).

The arrival day of the camp is Friday 28th July and the departure day is Sunday 6th August 2017. Transportation will be organised upon arrangement with the selected participants.
The venue of the camp is in a beautiful area at Kampos village in the district of Nicosia (approx. 1,5 hours from Nicosia). The camp space will be the primary school of the village which is converted into a camp space during the summer months. The camp has two separated large rooms (one for men, one for women) with detached bathrooms and showers, a large workshop space, a professional kitchen area, dining area and a large outdoor space.

Does it cost anything?  
All the expenses for the camp are covered by the organisers (accommodation, food, transportation, workshop materials).
Can I have more information?
Feel free to contact us at theatroktl@gmail.com or +357 99790848 for more information.  
For the application form please click here.
Deadline for application submission: Friday 9th June 2017.
Important note: 
The selected participants will need to attend an informative, preparatory half-a-day gathering between the teams of participants, organisers and facilitators on Sunday 2nd of July 2017. 

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